Every organization has a beginning. This is ours…
The Society was organized as the MICHIGAN PROCTOLOGIC SOCIETY on September 30, 1954, and on October 9, 1974, officially changed its name to the MICHIGAN SOCIETY OF COLON AND RECTAL SURGEONS to conform to the change made by the National Society (The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons).
The purpose for the Society’s organization, as stated in its original Preamble (1954) was as follows:
“It being generally recognized that best interests are promoted by orderly procedure and concerted dissemination of knowledge and effort, also to further advance the Specialty of Proctology and to encourage Proctologic Research; this the Michigan Proctologic Society is organized.”
This was restated with the change in the Society’s name in 1974 as follows:
“The Michigan Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons is organized for the purpose of disseminating to all physicians knowledge relating to diseases of the anus, rectum and colon.”
Michigan Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons.
The Society’s Membership Classifications and Qualifications for Membership are as follows:
(1) Qualifications For Membership – Require the applicant be a graduate of an approved (Class A) medical school, be legally licensed to practice in the State of Michigan, and have evidenced a special interest in colon and rectal surgery. Membership in the County Medical Society, American Medical Association, and the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons is desirable but not required.
(2) Qualified members at the time of adoption of the official date of the organization of the Society and adoption of the bylaws shall be known as Founders.
(3) Senior Members – Any member who is sixty years of age or more and who is a member with outstanding qualifications may be nominated by the Executive Council for the honor of Senior Membership.
(4) Members – Members shall have the right to vote and hold office in the Society. They may serve on committees, may appear on scientific programs and may participate in discussion of scientific papers.
Items of Interest.
Early correspondence (1957) reveals that Annual Meetings of the Society were held in Grand Rapids. Later in the 60’s, meetings alternated periodically between Grand Rapids and Detroit. They are now held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dearborn.
A letter of January 20, 1960, from the APS (American Proctologic Society) read as follows:
“The membership and council of the APS would like to believe that the membership of the accepted regional proctologic societies are the ‘grass roots’ and solid main stay of the parent society. The APS wants dearly to promote a firmer relationship and closer understanding between the regional societies and itself.
Thus, beginning in 1960, the annual roster of the APS will include the names of accepted regional proctologic societies and the names of the officers of each society.”
At the ‘ September 22, 1965 MPS Annual Meeting, Dr. Pearson, Delegate to the Section on Gastroenterology and Proctology of the MSMS, presented a report to the Society. He said the Section on Gastroenterology and Proctology had now been separated into two sections and that the Section on Proctology would need to elect a chairman, a secretary, and a delegate. The delegate will not have the right to vote but will attend the House of Delegates meeting. Dr. Pearson also emphasized that since we are now a separate section, greater attention would have to be given to programming.
The newly created separate Section on Proctology of the MSMS held its first meeting during the MSMS convention in Grand Rapids in September 1966. The program for the first MPS Section included a surgical clinic which included an interesting variety of operative cases at the Ferguson Clinic. This was followed by a luncheon meeting of the Section at the Pantland Hotel. The guest speaker was Dr. Clyde Culp of the Mayo Clinic discussing “Pilonidal Disease.”
The first Section Officers, 1966-1967:
Chairman – George L. Walker, M.D. of Detroit Vice Chairman – not elected
Secretary – George Kinsley, M.D. of Pontiac Delegate Donald G. Pearson, M.D. of Battle Creek
At the September 24, 1970 MPS Annual Meeting, Dr. Donald Pearson reported briefly on some of the activities of the MSMS House of Delegates. He said that the Section delegates could now vote which they had not be able to do previously.
At the October 10, 1973 MPS Annual Meeting, the members discussed changing the name of the Society since the National Society had changed its name. The consensus was that the name should be changed to Michigan Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Drs. Campos, Beauregard, and Mendelssohn were named to the Bylaws Committee to investigate the necessary steps for this to be accomplished.
At this meeting, the members agreed that in the future wives should be invited to attend the dinner meeting.
At the October 9, 1974 MPS meeting, a MOTION was passed to change the name of the Society to the Michigan Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons.
At the November 10, 1976 MSCRS Annual Meeting, a MOTION was passed that the annual dues for the MSCRS be increased to $20 beginning in 1977. It was also reported that the MSMS had acted favorably upon the Society’s request and voted to change the name of our Section to the Section on Colon and Rectal Surgery. In discussion of the Section Program, it was noted this was the Society’s first attempt at a continuing education course.